In the real-life chronicle of Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus, two colossal beasts squared off in the Pacific Ocean near Queensland, Australia. However, unlike the movie, this wasnt the Mega Shark contra the Giant Octopus. This was the Mega Shark contra the somewhat smaller shark. Like the movie, this quarrel to the finish was held upon camera.
The 10-foot shark was held upon the fishing expedition. The 20-foot beast good white shark saw an easy opportunity for the snack, and bit his brother shark scarcely in half in one bite! Australia has had anti-shark netting in place since 1962, and this Jaws-sized beast shark so near the beach is the good reason as to because which net is still there. Amazingly, the bitten shark was still alive when it was reeled in, though odds have been not for prolonged since which his torso is scarcely bitten in twain.
For the record, Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus isnt which bad, considering its the SyFy channel movie. Its horribly cheesy, though its which so bad its good kind of cheese. I recommend it for any air blower of terrible movies.
Tags: shark attack, sharks, unusual photographs, two sharks fighting, Queensland, Australia, beast shark, mega-shark, good white shark, real-life Jaws
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