Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Flu Vaccine - Frustrated! - Shopping Boards

I have been perplexing to get a vaccines (seasonal not H1N1) as well as every place around here has run out. I've called several doctors, a health dept. as well as a local sanatorium as well as they're all out. Most said they had a Flu Mist, though no a single in a family can have that since my youngest son is immuno-compromised, (hence why you need a vaccine). I've been perplexing to call his oncologist as well as can't get through, I'm thinking he may be a many appropriate gamble for removing Tyler's vaccinated.

We would still need to get a rest of a family vaccinated. Sometimes he doesn't build an defence reply to vaccines, so a safest gamble is to have many of a people around him vaccinated. Honestly we'd probably just skip a vaccine if it weren't for him.

We're starting to Evansville, In. this week end as well as I'm temped to start calling places there to see if any a single has a vaccine.

So is this happening everywhere? Is it just my area that has run out?

Several schools have been closed do to large numbers of a influenza (seasonal or H1N1, I'm not certain that ) A lot of people are saying that they have H1N1, though have only had a in-office nasal swab that equates to it could be either.

I'm removing shaken promulgation him to school as well as even starting to a family reunion this weekend, there will be over a hundred people hugging upon a kids.

I'm not a germ-a-phobe by any means, though right now a risk of Tyler removing ill is a serious concern.

I can't wait for until a H1N1 vaccine is released as well as you outlay an additional couple weeks perplexing to track it down.

My kids we're ostensible to be upon a watchful list at a pediatrician's for both vaccines, maybe we'll get propitious as well as they'll get them in prior to any one gets sick.

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