Saturday, November 21, 2009

Blog - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 25th Anniversary Blog ...

By Tokka

Here are a final four villains


4. Savanti Juliet from MIRAGE TMNT Comics

A malicious plot hundres of years in a creation as good as a demonicly immorality intrigue which will never die.

Terrible Ulterior :: A twisted Shakespearean , elegant , diabolical romance

Since nay, hmm ..almost a very beginning, a demon - sorcerer Savanti Romero has sought gigantic carry out over time as good as space, measure as good as eternity.

The clearly immortal demon has caused such pointless havoc for a Turtles, their bubbly messenger lay away - dimensional pal Renet a Timestress as good as her boss Lord Simultaneous a Time-lord.

But any of his unlucky schemes, generally ones involving Simultaneouss mighty Time - Scepter has been dashed time as good as again by a Turtles as good as their efforts.

One thing a guys hadnt ever counted on was his Better Half ; Savanti Juliet.

Romeros dear wife..distraught as good as malicious during a loss of her prince hatched a incredibly
mystical as good as strange intrigue to capture a Turtles as good as their friends during Caseys farm. Yes, a plot literally hundreds of years in a making. With a help of insane, recurrent cryptozoologist; Charles Fort as good as a assistance of an interesting form of celebrity intoxicating beverage ( Edgar Allen Poe, Robert E. Howard, Bruce Lee,Leonardo da Vinci, and Mae West ) a weird plan of ages culminated in a Turtles defeat.

A distressing ritual in Caseys stable began after a revelation of Juliets identity. Things were about to get cataclysmic.

Intervention by April and Casey disrupted Juliets incantation. As things progressively became worse, despite a interrupted Time Ceremony,Juliets master skeleton were coming to delight anyway. Her roughly infinite, mass society of goblins pounded a Green Team.

The Rituals peak summoned large streams of energy from a heavens, floating a roof off a barn, And despite apropos disfigured by Aprils penetration .. Juliet was apropos stronger. Swearing to enslave a ghosts of her shortly to be upheld adversaries. The goblin army was strenuous a 7 heroes during this point. Fort his mind.

Luckily, Renet in a futuristic, radiant form would be alerted from over of a mass time-disturbance Seemingly destroyed in a shocking explosion, a secure love, Julie.t as good as her goblin fruit were gone. Wounds were healed.The right away insane Fort went off to turn usually an additional Big Foot sighting.

And if this was truly a last of Romeros beautiful, as good as secure Queen..

- time will tell.

3. Vam Mi from Ninja Turtles : The Next Mutation

Sink your teeth in to this a single !! A Sexy Vampire Babe from over a Grave is Heartless. Well, cuz a single of a Turtles has it !!

Terrible Ulterior :: Vam Mi , a foe from very aged times in China, as good as a sworn rivalry of Chung I . A Good friend to Splinter on a devout plane. Also master as good as clergyman of a Turtles a single time shinobi ally, Mei Peih Chi ( a.k.a. Venus !! ).

Chung we became a guardian of Vam Mis heart in order to protect a Earth from her immorality of ages.But when this venerable bag of blood-thirsty skeleton dawns her mystical humanoid guise.. she becomes something sultry, sinister , as good as sexy !!That beauty hides an superannuated obsession ::


Along with her undead minions :: Bing and Chi Chu, she sets to obtain a diabolic! al vesse l which is right away in possession of Venus who hereditary it from her late master ( for a longest time, she thought it was simply an aged herb ).

When not obsessing as good as stalking a streets for a fleshly strength which will have her strength as good as all absolute once again, Vam is customarily sunk in a deep, skeletal beauty sleep somewhere in a darkest guts of China.

And if creation uneasy alliances with a bone-headed head-hunter, Simon Bonesteel or her aged messenger The Elemental Vampire fail to drive a stake in to he often strike a local Blood Bank to splash a night away in bloody inebriated stupor.

Shell be drowning in deceived goal which shell get her heart back, climb again to knock out a realm of a living, recover her empire, as good as have a Turtles her zombie slaves !!

In a meantime, shes overdrawn during a Blood Bank as good as her account is in a RED !!


2. Rahzar from TMNT Movie II : The Secret of a Ooze & TURTLES FOREVER


Terrible Ulterior :: Tokkas best friend !! Star of screan, scream, film, as good as scream .., Rahzar is Tokkas junkyard canine messenger to a nines. The unlovable Lug - Mutt is thourly clinging Shredder from fang to flea collar.

Never peaceful to roll over as good as fool around upheld Tokkas Wolfy hermit is so hungry for Turtle Kibbles n Bits hes some-more than peaceful to crash from a large screen to a small one. Makin creates a monstrous, muttley-mutant guest appearances on a classic Turtle Toon,

And hey, he doesnt stop there, Rahzar sniffs ntracks a teenagers down to SMELLEBRATE with baited exhale a TMNTs anniversary film event, Turtles Foreve! r.

The Foot Clans forces never looked so fuzzy, ferocious, as good as feirce, though with a brain as dry as a bone, this wolf-man is unequivocally usually a misunderstood, piddlin pup.

All a Turtles try to ever do is squeeze Anti-Mutagen Ooze filled donuts down his twist grip to reverse a hands of time ( as good as mutation).

If theyd instead bring along a aristocrat size beef flavored doggy biscuit,. Rahz would be certain to hop around like a happy doggy as good as fool around fetch.

But alas, a Movie-star mongrel as good as former child hench-mutants hold up is never so carefree. Only his Snapper messenger Tokka understands him.

But with a large misunderstandings, a Shredder will some-more than manipulate this clumsy baby as good as put him to Good use. Sit, Rahzar sit !! Good Dog !!

Blasphemous, impossible , implausible , debatable we contend ?!

Unlucky for we as good as TOPPING OFF THE LUCKY 13 during #!..


1. Terrorpin fromMIRAGE TMNT Comics

Huff ..Huff - ..MY GOD ..THIS THINGS BEEN LIVING DOWN HERE .. Leonardo ..after his first shun from a Terrorpin

Terrible Ulterior :: The monstrous quadruped which would enthuse a beast .. which would come in to a entity as good as oddity; a many schizophrenic, chaotic artist a world has ever loathed !!

1994 : The Terrorpin is a largest alligator snapping turtle to go underneath a humans records as good as is a biggest threat in this apportionment of a N Y C cesspool system.

Upon seeking brand new retreat for his family, Leo had incidentally invaded this place.A nest, domain of a mystifying fish woman, Rihana - The Sewage !! Her people near extinct .. a protection of her unborn child became her priority !!

Terrorpin is additionally Rihanas usually ally, protecto! r, as go od as steed. Leonardos invasion of a Fish-Womans nest sends a Snapper ( roughly a bit incomparable than a bus ) after a young ninja. At a single indicate in self - defense, Leo even slices a creatures right eye out.

Eventually when Leo confronts Rihana herself, a Terrorpin ..due to a little inadequate design from above literally crashes a party !!

Barely any a single escapes alive. Casey and a squad would salvage Leonardo. Enigmatically,Rihana as good as her Snapper bretherin would as good survive. To shun to higher in a less civic grounds serve North. Thus to safely lift a youngling fish-creature, Rihanas pleasing baby, Ocenee.

The REAL secret of a Ooze to Terrorpins climb to a very tip from a very inlet of a TOP 13 as he was actually conceived by a legendary comic book, abhorrence master :: Steve R. Bissette ( Swamp Thing, Tyrant, Taboo , TMNT ) !!

Initially pitched in 1990 as a unsuccessful Toy concept for Playmates Toys TMNT movement figure line, Terrorpin would turn a template as good as impulse for a Snappin Stupid-Star , TOKKA from a TMNT II Movie ( as good as a self-loathing compiler of this dreaded list !! ) !!

And I, as Tokka turn a large ZERO of this self-destructing collection of Turtle terror !! Forever should we never follow in this Snappers foot stairs cuz im anti-egotistcal, anti-scocial , a single fractious effervescent baby. Besides, if ya follow to close, i usually might SNAP!!

Meh, dont be concerned as good much tho we dont punch as good as good hard as good as unequivocally Im usually a bit liar. And Im easily distracted by apple-jelly donuts as good as shiny objects ( pointless sets of residence keys are a little of my favorite things !! !! ).

As for Terrorpin, may he forever show up your deepest of swampy nightmares.

Rest well, Turtle fans as good as we as good Leonar do !! Grrahahaaaa !! !!


Special interjection go to Jake Black, Steve Murphy, Steve Bissette, Ross May, T. Jones, Ryan Brown, as good as Peppercom for not SNAPPING during a fastidious as good as frustrating investigate in compiling this many Terrible of Turtle Top 13s !!!!)

Tags: TMNT Villains, TMNT25, Tokka

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